Hey, I’m Clinton - an ad agency leader turned exec coach. I partner with mission-driven leaders in their outer and inner work, to help them amplify their impact and feel more aligned

My approach

Outer work amplifies your impact; inner work fosters alignment. Mastering both? That creates a powerful, upward spiral of expansion.

As leaders, we often excel in the outer work — strategy, goals, results— making things happen.But the truth is, without mastering the inner work, we often hit a wall. Our energy drains, decisions feel heavy, and at times, our shadows take over: the inner critic, fear, or feelings of unworthiness start running the show.


Addressing both outer work, like executing with precision and building a strong strategy, and inner work—fostering self-awareness, aligning with your core values, and building resilience.Together, these create an integrated path toward your goals, allowing you to achieve with greater energy, speed, and conviction.

In my coaching, I bring two not-so-secret ingredients: Clarity and Care.

My clients often describe me as deeply curious, always synthesising information to uncover blind spots and sharpen focus. And with care, I create a space that feels open, empathetic, and inviting—so you can explore even the tough areas without judgment.I feel privileged to coach leaders through these transformative processes. Helping them navigate both the outer and inner dimensions of success — avoiding getting stuck over-focusing on one at the expense of the other.

"The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The work of life is to develop it. The meaning of life is to give your gift away."~ David Viscott

How it works

I don’t follow a “templatised” version of coaching with a pre-defined roadmap or exercises. My goal is to meet you where you’re at.

I take the time to understand the most important aspects of your life and (more importantly) who you are becoming, and then I partner with you to uncover the most promising paths forward.Here’s a view of what 1-on-1 coaching looks like in practice:

We kick things off with a 90-minute “discovery session” where I’ll ask a lot of questions. In addition to getting a snapshot of your life, I’m keen to understand your core needs and values. We explore what you want from coaching and what you need to make it a powerful experience. We then hit on some core agreements so that you leave feeling excited about coaching and ready to step in.The core container of the relationship is a 60-minute coaching session. Our conversations centre around whatever topic is “up” for you - something that you are grappling with that has you feeling stuck, energised, confused, angry etc. I’ll ask questions to help us find our way towards understanding what is important to you, how it’s related to your goals, and ways to take action. I’ll wrap up a session with takeaways and next steps.I’m available between sessions if you need more help. You can text or email any time. We can also book an additional “spot” coaching session if you find yourself in a time-sensitive situation where coaching would be useful (this is included in the monthly coaching retainer and does not cost extra)This coaching approach offers steady support - so you are making constant progress towards your goals - while staying flexible and responsive to what is happening for you.


I offer a variety of plans for leaders at different stages of development. Here are a few ways I work with clients:

Group Coaching

Two 90-minute group coaching calls per month with ~6 other like-minded leaders

1-on-1 Coaching

Two (bi-weekly) to four (weekly) calls per month, with additional support as-needed.


I also offer 360 reviews, Enneagram typing, and custom growth plans.

For every option, I work on a monthly retainer rather than a per-session fee. This monthly retainer covers all of our coaching sessions, plus the time I’ll spend on prep, follow-ups and any between-session support you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is your rate?

I work on a monthly retainer rather than a per-session fee. This monthly retainer covers our coaching sessions, plus the time I’ll spend on prep, follow-ups and any between-session support you need. My monthly retainer for 1-on-1 coaching is $1,500 per month for bi-weekly sessions (R10,000 for South African clients), or $3,000 per month for weekly sessions (R20,000 for South African clients). If you’re curious about working together, please reach out — I’ll work with you to find a plan that meets your needs (or introduce you to someone in my network of coaches, therapists, and/or teachers that I trust).

How long does a coaching engagement last?

An average executive coaching engagement lasts around nine months, but mileage varies. I prefer to keep it open-ended and check in every ~3 months or after key milestones so we can mutually decide how long to keep working together. I focus on delivering a transformative coaching experience and have confidence that it will turn into a long-term relationship when the coaching is working well for both of us. As we progress, you may find that you have internalised my guidance, and that could be a sign that it's time for you to find your next coach.

How long does it take to see results?

This depends on your goals, but my clients typically start to feel the impact of coaching within the first two months. I’ve had some clients who experience an “aha” moment in the first session or two. In our initial 90-minute “discovery” coaching session, I work with you to get a clear sense for what success looks like for you and we use this to guide our coaching time together. My experience is that, after two months of working together, both of us have a good sense for whether or not we’re making strong progress towards your goals.

What is the upfront commitment?

I won’t ask you to sign any contracts or to make big upfront payments. I do ask for an initial three-month time + energy commitment, though, because I find it’s helpful to set a time frame for us to work together without having to re-evaluate after each session. I focus on delivering a transformative coaching experience and have confidence that it will turn into a long-term relationship when the coaching is working well for both of us.

How do you help between session?

I sometimes text or email to follow up on something we’ve discussed, but you can lean on me like I’m an extension of your team. You can text or email me with questions that are either pressing or might benefit from more reflection, documents you want me to review (e.g. business goals, development plans, sensitive emails, etc.), or even for an intro or contact. If you're not sure, just ask.

Who do you typically work with?

I work with highly self-motivated leaders who prioritise learning & growth.This includes:
Founders looking for a partner in their growth & development
Creators looking to 10x their audience
Marketing leaders interested in leveling up
VPs, directors, and senior managers who want to lead with more clarity
Entrepreneurs searching for their next calling
My ideal clients care deeply, are profoundly curious, want to lead by example, and are committed to the process. They’re intrinsically driven to live a true expression of themselves, and are willing to take on whatever challenges that stand in the way.


Learning & growth has always lit me up.As far back as I can remember, I have been an avid learner. And then, I stumbled upon Tony Robbins and the personal development industry. I was hooked….

In my career...

At 38, I decided to make my calling a full-time career.In my time at WPP & Publics, I Worked with teams at some of the biggest brands (Ford, Deloitte, P&G). During that time, I imperfectly but successfully managed a variety of departments, including creative, client services, finance, and production. I was once given the compliment, the calm in the storm and had the ability to keep my cool while everyone was losing theirs.My care and empathy for people give me superpowers - I genuinely love the people I work with. The skills I developed to hire well, support people’s learning & development, and create a collaborative working environment link back to that care.

At home

I’m married to my wife for over ten years. With a deep foundation in trust, care, understanding, love and support. We’re each others silent partners.I’m a dad to two kids, 7 and 5. I draw much of my awe from my kids.I enjoy reading, meditating, cooking, keeping fit through strength training, and consciousness.

As a coach

I have completed several coaching trainings - one with the fantastic team of leadership coaches at Thoughtsmiths, and the other with UCT coaching training program with Michalle Clarke. I am currently completing my ICF ACC Accreditation.In addition to ongoing training in different disciplines, I am supported by my own Coach and meditation teacher.Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to learn from incredible teachers for whom I’m endlessly grateful. I’ve been particularly influenced by the wisdom of: (teachers) Joseph Goldshtein, (coaches) Laurens Boel, Sanlia Marais, Marc Miller, Tracey Pinder, Susan LaskyI coach 10 clients at any given time. Coaching work is somewhere between a personal passion, a spiritual calling and a professional pursuit. I’m grateful that I get to do this work.My favourite part of coaching is the space that opens up…unmarked trail. Unsure where we’re going. Step off this together and end up in a place that we didn’t know was possible.


If you want to connect, please fill out this form or email me at clinton@clintonmiddleton.co.za

With a passion for helping individuals like you unlock their full potential and achieve their goals.

Copyright © 2024 | Clinton Middleton